We are standing firm and invite all pastors in local churches across America to stand with us in declaring that we will never again comply with the arbitrary orders of an elected or appointed official concerning the conduct and operation of our churches which are secured by the Constitution of the United States, and outside the purview and authority of local, state, and the Federal officials. In an article entitled “Christ, not Caesar, Is head of the Church,” Rev. John MacArthur, speaking on behalf of the pastors and elders of Christ Community Church, accurately posited that a “… recent state order requiring churches in California to limit or suspend all meetings indefinitely … exceeded [the] legitimate jurisdiction…” of their civic leaders, and that “faithfulness to Christ prohibit[ed] them “from observing the restrictions” they [had] attempted to impose on their corporate worship. During the Covid-19 pandemic, elected and appointed Government officials clearly exceeded their Constitutional authority, even to the point of forbidding public worship by churches. Dr. MacArthur is correct in stating that obedience to any such order puts followers of Jesus Christ at odds with the Head of the Church and his commandment that we “forsake not the assembling of ourselves together.” (Hebrews 10:25). An arbitrary edict by Government that obviates a Divine injunction, places pastors in the unenviable position of choosing between the will of God or the will of men. The Apostle Paul wrote that choosing to please men disqualifies one as a servant of Christ. (Galatians 1:10) Corporate worship is a spiritual discipline essential to spiritual development. If as a pastor, elder, or other church leader, you agree that decisions concerning the nature and timing of corporate worship do not belong to Government but to the Church, please link arms with us and our brothers and sisters around the world, by taking the following three actions: 1. Sign the statement below by clicking the “sign now” button. 2. Share this website to help us reach our initial goal of 5000 signatures. 3. Email governing officials in your local, state, and Federal jurisdiction to inform them that you are a signee and will not be closing your church again at their order. On the email: Include your name, title, and mailing address in the subject line. In the body, be sure to include the website link.